Focus on the role of an Academic Advocate

As academic advocate my role is to be ambitious for every child and to be familiar with their learning journey as they move from one class teacher to another.  Working closely with Mrs Cox and class teachers, I analyse internal and external assessment data to track the progress of individual children.  Together we identify a child’s developing strengths as they move through the school and provide appropriate challenges to extend individual pupils.  A variety of approaches may be used:


  • Creating tiered assignments so that once the standard objective has been completed there are tasks set with extra challenge.
  • Encouraging children to extend their reading by directing them to more advanced texts and encouraging them to read from a variety of genres.
  • Involving students in regional competitions and festivals, such as the Mid-Somerset Festival.
  • Providing a wide range of extension clubs to meet the academic, creative and sporting needs of our learners.
  • Helping children create their own short-term goals that are specific and suitably ambitious.
  • Giving children the opportunity to take responsibility and show leadership for example representing their class on the School Council, as a digital leader or a Springmead Ambassador.
  • Providing opportunities for children to pursue independent projects, for example during our recent Science Fair.
  • Using questioning that require students to apply, analyse and evaluate information rather than simply recall it.



Class teachers are looking forward to sharing your child’s progress with you at parent consultation after half term.

Caroline Miller